I am fierce.
No really. I am. I just broke my second shovel today. Snapped the solid wooden handle right in half. I was digging out an old tree to plant a new one, and as I was prying the old tree out, the shovel handle broke. This is the second time this summer that this has happened to me. Grrr. Needless to say, THIS was my backup shovel. So I finished planting the tree (which weighed upwards of 200 pounds. I know this because I had to get it out of the back of my truck, onto my little handcart, around to the other driveway, up the stairs, and across the garden. Yes, I know. I could have saved some work by backing the truck around. But I had already stood up all the trees (there are four), and it didn't occur to me to just lay them back down again until just now.
So I had to go to the IFA today, because I needed some other things too, like chicken feed, biotin and de-wormer for the horses, etc.
And I'm walking around, carbonated about Obama's speech yesterday---I have a very LotR feel about it: 'It's been long since we've had any hope.' I was also carbonated about McCain's choice of a running mate: Sarah Palin. (Where did that come from?!) But it appears we are to have an historic election, one way or another. And, in passing, I caught this snippet of conversation, from one Utah cowboy to another:
"If he picks Mitt Romney, I'll vote for 'im. But otherwise..."
Eep. Can you imagine that Utah might go Democrat? OMFG. That would be sweet. Totally, totally sweet.
And, by tomorrow, I will have planted four new trees. That should just about offset my home in Socorro for the next six months!
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
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