The last post was a list of what I intended to do, and where I was on those projects. But not everything I've done was on the list of things to do. This is where the ta-da list comes in. It's the list of what I've done. If there was a Venn diagram, the two lists would overlap, but not completely. The ta-da list makes room for all the things that you didn't even think of before you started.
a) Organized and evaluated the CASA project. Seriously, this is huge. I'll probably get no publications out of it, but the people running the project just keep telling me how grateful they are that I came here and did this for them. They have a sense of accomplishment and a sense of purpose and a sense that they might someday actually finish the g.d. thing. That was missing when I got here.
b) Re-learned radio astronomy. I still feel pretty novice and tentative, and have days when I'm completely confused, but my confidence grows day by day, and I've remembered what closure errors are and why I care.
c) Analyzed continuum and spectral-line data on about 15 sources. Discovered some weirdnesses, and did some solid science.
d) Figured out what's new in radio astronomy, learned about the upcoming EVLA and it's correlator, become knowledgeable about the new software, and made new contacts and collaborations.
e) Got Barack Obama elected in Socorro County. ; ) (well, not single-handedly, but still!) Learned to canvass, got involved in politics, and met a huge number of people. Knocked on hundreds of doors and made thousands of phone calls. I also made signs. And helped on election day. And spent entirely too much time reading political blogs on the interweb.
f) I learned stuff. General stuff, specific stuff, lots of stuff. I read a lot of books about the economy, about politics, about plague. I understand more about why we are in the mess we are in than I ever would have if I had more distractions available... I learned how to eliminate cockroaches, and learned about New Mexican history, cuisine and culture. I visited a matanza, dia de los muertos, and ruins from the pre- and post-colonial times. I learned to love green chile (not much to learn!), and learned to hate Taco Bell. I made more trips to WalMart than any person would care to admit to, and learned to hate it too. Cheap crap, sold cheap, and then the other stores close, and the cheap crap gets expensive. It's a mean-spirited business model, and I resent it.
g) I gave public talks (2), invited talks(4), colloquium talks (3), lunch talks (1), and chaired sessions (2). I went to meetings (lots) and conferences (2), and colloquia (lots). I learned that some people really, really need to go take a class in public speaking, and some people just need to learn to speak louder. I watched the people watching the people, and learned that approximately half the time, any given person is not thinking about what's happening in front of them. Even if they are interested.
h) I learned a lot about the environment, got a grip on solar cells, wrote worksheets and activities for a class, and thought hard about what the point is.
i) I planned a one-week summer course for teachers.
j) I wrote letters of recommendation (4), letters of support (2), reports (3), and proposals (2). I wrote (all but the last chapter of) a novel.
k) I learned more about Open Office than anyone should need to know, ever.
l) I was reminded that you can move to a new place with two boxes, two duffel bags and a bicycle, and be pretty much content, except for missing all the people and creatures you left behind. 600 square feet is a lot of space if you are one person with no furniture. It's barely too small if you are two people and a good-sized dog. This is useful knowledge just now. It's keeping me from panicking about the economy.
m) I figured out that I hate to write science papers, and why I procrastinate about writing them. And then I figured out what to do about it.
n) I figured out that my presence in committees at WSU is over-rated, and apparently unnecessary. This will bring so much future joy to my life. You have no idea.
o) I learned to live without a car.
p) I learned to like running.
q) I learned to cook a mean spanish rice, acquired an addiction to potato-chile-cheese burritos, and rediscovered the joy of the humble cast iron pan.
r) I learned that the well-funded research institution is a myth. Everybody, everywhere, has the same problem: too few resources for what they are trying to do. Maybe the planet is too small for the dreams of all the people on it.
s) I learned lots of new spanish words. And a lot of spanglish.
There's probably more. But it's time for lunch...
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
1 day ago
1 comment:
I love the idea of your ta-da list!
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