just to catch up, a little...
I've given a couple of talks---at USU, at ATK, and am getting ready to meet with the teachers for the summer class. This means I spend a lot of time on hold with the power company in Brigham City, among other things. ; )
I'm organizing lessons again. Which is not as much of a drag as it sounds, now that I've made everyone else responsible for themselves.
Our new pup has pneumonia. Poor little tyke. I got him an emergency roast beef sandwich today, because he was so pathetic. We've been working on him for the last ten days, and now have pulled out the big guns, antibiotically speaking. I just wish he would be able to breathe through his nose.
Trinkie and I are sneaking up on a reliable canter pirouette. If only all our tests consisted primarily of collected canter... we'd clean up.
We have a new fence to keep the dogs and the chickens separate.
We have newly re-upholstered chairs.
We have starts for the garden. Lots and lots of starts for the garden. Pretty soon, J's going to start complaining that I moved his cheese, and put baby tomatoes on it.
We have an asparagus bed! Now THAT is a commitment.
I have shredded years and years of old bills, bank statements, etc. We now have a filing system. With things in their files. With labels.
We have a new chicken coop. I cleaned out the old one. It wasn't nearly as disgusting as you think.
We have turned the compost heap, sorted out the brush pile and the woodpile and the compost pile.
We are about to have a new picnic table.
We have a long-term landscape plan, which includes tearing up the old driveway, and replacing it with plants. Nobody should have more driveway than house.
Off to water the asparagus...
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
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