After two very, very long days, I have arrived in Socorro. It's Saturday night, so I'm actually ahead of schedule! But I didn't get in until after dark, so I'm spending the night in a hotel, rather than trying to move into my digs in the dark. I'm so lucky to be wealthy enough to be flexible.
Tomorrow, I'll write about the trip---Hovenweep, the Navajo party, my new reading project, thoughts about radio stations across the land, mennonites on vacation, etc.
But tonight, I'm having one of those ARG! moments. You know the ones. The 'what the crap am I doing here??!!' kind. It always means I'm over-tired when I get like this. (And it's probably windy---I get all jittery when it's windy. I just checked out the window. Yup, it's windy. Yikes. It's REALLY windy!)
So many things to do still, and an irrational feeling that I need to get them all done before Monday. Which, of course, is impossible. So. Focus. One step at a time. I have only three things that MUST happen tomorrow: First, move in---just literally put my stuff inside the door. Second, get food for a couple of days---cereal and granola bars are my fallback plan. Third, take back the rental car. I have to head for Albuqueque at 3:30 pm. Anything else I get done is gravy. I can live without furniture for a few days, if necessary! I have a pillow and a blankie. That's bare minimum needs met, right there.
Oh dear. Now it's hailing. I hope nothing bad happens to the rental car...
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
Hang in there grrrl. I am sure there is some motivational reading you an do, but I can't think of it at the moment. I did stash some Pisco in one of your boxes...
I can't wait to see what that place looks like after you get a week to work on it.
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