Wind! Tornados! Eek! But all is well in my exact location.
But I now have furniture, thanks to the furniture rental place---$130/month for all the furniture I can use. Ah, a chair. Sitting is nice.
The farmer's market on Saturday morning supplied me with most of the veggies I'll eat this week. I found a local market that carries local produce (in season), and seems to raise their own cows and pigs (!), although I have to verify that---there are pictures of their county fair winners all over the walls. Socorro is not for those who prefer not to know where their meat comes from!
Yesterday, I signed up to help with the Obama campaign. They have early voting here in NM (a swing state), and mostly, I'll be knocking on doors, making sure people have their sample ballots, and know where (and when) to vote. There's a meeting this afternoon to organize us for the big push to election day. The woman at the office said, 'If we do our job right, election day will be boring, because everyone will have already voted.' It's exciting to be in a state where the outcome of the election is uncertain!
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
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