I love my phone? This is what technology should be.
Yesterday, I finally straightened out a bunch of passwords and so on. Yes, yes, I should have done this weeks and weeks ago. But I didn't. Because I'm the kind of person who doesn't always solve problems right away if they require me to figure out a new approach... sad, but true.
So anyway. I now have a budget spreadsheet for keeping track of my expenses, several 'print' books, a number of audiobooks, music, games, tv shows and movies. All in my phone.
Ever since I arrived in Socorro, I've been using it to keep up with NPR, because local NPR doesn't carry a lot of things I really like at KUER. Marketplace, for example. How am I supposed to understand the economy without Marketplace?! How did I live before streaming audio from NPR?!
And I've used it to navigate, schedule appointments, look stuff up on the inter-web, connect with friends and family, check email from home and the laundromat, track packages, obsessively keep track of the stock market, make to-do lists, watch videos on YouTube, keep up my address book, and take, send and post photographs. I've also used it as an alarm clock to wake me up, and as a stopwatch to keep speakers on track at a conference.
This morning, I am doing a very tedious job of creating a spreadsheet that keeps track of the CASA project, and needed some new tunes to keep me going. So I purchased and downloaded the new Van Morrison. Right here at my desk. I just have to say, 'Way to go, Apple! I don't know how I ever got along without it!'
What are you using your phone for?
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
1 comment:
I'll admit my envy, pure green, of all things technological that I don't have, especially all things Apple. Though I'm no luddite, I have no iPhone, and I feel, well, lame. I'm too cheap to pay money for data service.
On the other hand, I managed to justify the iPod Touch, or as I call it, the aTouch. Naming the device? Yes, it says something. It's the same kind of love you have for the iPhone, as long as I stick close to a wireless router. Best thing I do with it? Read this blog, of course. Followed by checking the bus schedule, checking email, manage projects (more on those somewhere else), show off pictures, play a keyboard to figure out what key an iTunes track is being played in (!), use Pandora radio (!!), and download the last three days of the NY Times and the latest Atlantic. (Also have Frankenstein, Andersen's Fairy Tales, and Origin of Species.) And I relived recently an old childhood obsession, the game Risk (via its freeware version, Lux).
And I have an RPN calculator on the thing. Nothing says 'nerd' better than RPN.
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