We did it! After four weeks of stomping around NM, calling and knocking and heckling and annoying everyone we could find... After J in Utah calling and heckling and annoying people in CO, and even some in UT... After spending all of election Tuesday checking the polls, calling around, giving rides, and dragging people to the polls, calling, calling, calling, as late as 6:45 pm.
After all that... VICTORY!!!
I am still compulsively checking maps.
Is it really happening?
I have these little epiphanies. All last night, I kept waking up with them. And all day today. I suddenly stop typing, or trying to figure out what happened to my graphics display, or trying to figure out why my bandpass fails in the 245th channel. I suddenly am stopped dead in my tracks, and bits of words and fragments of images fly like birds across my mental landscape. Sunlight glints off of feathers.
We won.
HOPE vs. fear.
We saved ANWR.
Solar panels.
No offshore drilling.
Wind turbines.
No one else to die for my car.
Ask not what your country can do for you...
Ask. of me.
Hope. Hope. Hope.
Roe v. Wade.
The Constitution.
Sex ed.
All people. Everywhere. ALL. Include. Encompass. Allow. Appreciate. Embrace. Enfold. Lift. Let fly.
The Supreme Court.
Nina Totenberg.
The Constitution.
Warrants for wire tapping.
Medicine for children.
... BECAUSE it is hard.
Help for the elderly.
Homes for the homeless.
Homes for the poor.
Homes for our veterans.
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
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