Also this week, I built a new chicken coop. They think it's the best thing ever. We already have the start of a gorgeous pile of compost.
And, I went running three days this week so far. Today, for the first time, I forgot I was running while I was running. In other words, I stopped paying attention to how hard it was, and was thinking about something else. That's progress! Nine more miles on my sweet shooz.
I decided to rent the studio apartment in Socorro, and got that all set up. And I solved the problem of the arrival date. The apartment isn't available 'til the 6th, and I was supposed to be there on the 1st, and I didn't want to move twice, or live out of a rental car (I'm not going to have a car while I'm there) for a week. So, I was hanging out laundry, when it suddenly occurred to me that I should just not get there until the 6th. chuh. So I got all that sorted out.
And I only yelled at the radio a couple of times, due to our politicians acting like children. Focus, people! We have bigger problems, remember? I don't care about lipstick comments, from either party. Tell me how you are going to help me do something about climate change.
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
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