Listed among the best pieces of advice I've ever gotten: don't run a single step until you go to a really good shoe store.
See, because I hate to run. It hurts. After three steps, my knees hurt, my shins hurt, and an hour later, my back and my hips and my calves hurt. Pretty much unpleasant from the ribcage down.
But when I told the guy at Peak Performance that I wanted to do a sprint triathlon before I'm 40 (that's some time in the next three years), he promised that with THESE shoes, I'd be having fun running, and I'd do one within a year. He spent an hour fitting me out with shoes that will protect me from my pronating self, and who knows what else. They cost me $100.
So I walked the exercise trail twice in the new shoes, and my back (specifically my sacral iliac muscles---common chick trouble-spots) didn't hurt afterwards. Then today, I had so much fun!!!! I walked until I felt like running, and then I ran until I felt like walking. Total running: 1 mile. Total walking: 2 miles. But the running was fun, and comfortable, and I don't hurt! Tomorrow, I bet I run a little more!
What does this have to do with sabbatical? not much, except that I figure if I spend the next year getting into better shape, I'll be able to *take the time* to run the loop every day, and that will help me last longer...
p.s. Go see the guy at Peak Performance!!! It's right behind the new Bingham's. Tell him I sent you. Your back will thank you...
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
1 comment:
A piece of advice I was given for sabbatical was to have some *other* project, goal, etc. to focus on. I didn't do such a good job of this myself, but I can see the value. Looks like you have that.
And I can't believe that running could possibly not hurt. Maybe, just maybe, this will be a new revelation for people like me.
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