This has been a winter of one thing after another, after another, after another. Death and disease in my little circle of friends, and wider collapses of various kinds. Drought and fire and floods and more death and disease. Economic disaster and war and starvation and governments falling in Europe. It's a little overwhelming.
And I find myself with this odd, visceral reaction of wanting everyone to just sit very still. I seem to have an almost superstitious, almost un-articulated, almost belief that if everyone just sits very quietly with their head down, then nothing else bad can happen.
Come to think of it, that makes perfect sense, if it was wolves who were going to eat us. Too bad. I know what to do about wolves. Whack them on their noses with a stick, and then climb a tree. Maybe I'll just go climb a tree. Maybe that will help.
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
I'm sitting very very still . . .
up here on this branch, holding my breath.
Ok, here's the plan. I'll just sneak up on this here biggest wolf and hit it with a stick. Then they'll all go away, and you can come down. Hang tight. I'm looking for a good, sturdy stick...
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