1) It snowed yesterday, and it's 56 today.
2) Today is pizza lunch, and I get to look at pretty Spitzer pictures.
3) The loading dock guy is so nice and helpful. I will bring him a chocolate bar, in trade for the boxes he is saving for me.
4) Puppies exist!
5) Fresh, organic, in-season beets are now in the grocery store. Mmmmm... roasted beets...
Puppies?! But Karyn was sure you'd want to keep Tycho. He *thinks* he's a puppy . . . but then gets grumpy when the real pups want to play. You know how grumpy old men can get.
Poor Tycho. I think Captain is running him a little ragged! It's good for 'em!
I haven't acquired a new puppy... yet. But it makes me happy just to look at their cutie little faces on petfinder. Little black noses and little black eyes, and little feets with their pads still all soft and mushy. Fuzz sticking out all over, and legs going every which way. Most people get this way about infants...
But this one is particularly precious, and inspired my post:
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