1) Being able to rant on your blog. And then sleep. Better out than in, dads always say. Although not about ranting, really. My apologies for the swearing. But if I kept it in my head, I would have been up all night arguing with people who weren't there.
2) The burrito lady, who has disappeared because the construction people are here, and/or somehow Chartwell's has chased her off. But she introduced me to the best bfb's anywhere. I talked about them for TEN years before I came back to Socorro. And now I know how to make them. Thank you burrito lady! I hope you come back soon.
3) The Navajo store. Which is out of dried berries. Because they won't have any more until more berries have grown and matured and been picked and dried. There's something bizarrely satisfying about being disappointed in my dried berry supply.
4) Friends who take my remarks and turn them into poetry.
5) Bridge. I won an actual hand. ON PURPOSE. I made the contract, on purpose, and understood all the bidding, and argued with my partner to be the one to play it, and then I played it, and made the contract +3 tricks! Wow. I'm so impressed with myself.
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