Bastards. F*@#*$ing Republican bastard sh@#@#theads full of sh#$#$t.
Check this article from the Guardian.
Lemme just pull a few tidbits for you (emphasis added):
"The warnings were the first time Congress had been directly confronted with the growing evidence that the impact of climate change will be far more severe than revealed even in the UN's most recent report, in 2007.
The hearing was also the first time senators had been permitted to hear testimony about the dangers to human health from climate change. In 2007, the Bush administration censored testimony from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the rise in asthma and other respiratory illnesses, as well as the increasing occurrence of "tropical" parasites."
Ok. So our government has been kept in ignorant darkness by Bush. We knew that already. (Never mind that I feel physically ill (!) at the thought of anyone censoring the CDC, ever, for any reason. Perhaps I'm irrational in my profound respect for the mission of this agency.) But the light of knowledge should be a beacon, right? But then my head exploded:
"Republicans argued that Barack Obama's proposed carbon cap legislation would be costly. "I will certainly oppose raising energy costs on suffering families and workers during an economic crisis when the science says our actions [to combat climate change] will be futile," said Kit Bond, a Republican senator from Missouri." (emphasis added)
f#$*@#%$*ing sh#$#$thead Republicans. Denial to despair in a single month. Exactly how much do they think widespread drought, death and destruction will cost? Hundreds of millions, even billions of people displaced? How can you put a price tag on 'uninhabitable cities'? Do they not know about the dust bowl? Are they really that ignorant? I hate them so much, the quitters. Losers. Whiners. Quitters, quitters, quitters. Who do they think they are? Do they even have a single ethical bone amongst them? Do they have any sense of how to TRY? At all? They should all be locked in a closet so I won't keep having these fearfully satisfying visions about driving an icepick into Boehner's eye. They should all be locked in a closet so they can't hurt us anymore. I howl inarticulately at them. Bastards. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them. Do they have no sense of responsibility at all? How can I ever forgive them for this? How will all the little kids I know ever forgive US for this? WE CAN NOT AFFORD DESPAIR. Republicans, we have no time for you to come to grips with the facts. Catch up on your own. We're not going back for you. We have no time for your despair or your willful ignorance. Get over it or get the hell out.
This may be the first time in history that the dominant party is still in opposition. I hate Republicans more than ever before. I'm even angrier than before. I want to fight them even harder than before. Even though they are rapidly becoming so pathetic that you almost feel sorry for them. (Palin? Jindal? Is that the best they've got? Really?)
Get 'em out. Get 'em all out. They lie. They steal. They cheat. They have no credibility. They have no morals. They have no ideas. They are standing in the way, and they can ALL go. We have work to do.
I've had it. I'm going out to hug a tree.
Weekend reading: Veggie Smarts
2 days ago
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